Geneaid (established in 2002) is a leading manufacturer of DNA/RNA purification products including plasmid kits, DNA extraction kits, RNA kits, virus DNA/RNA kits, gel extraction kits, PCR cleanup kits, cloning kits, magnetic bead genomic DNA kits, PCR products, enzymes, protein products, DNA markers as well as high-throughput 96-Well DNA/RNA extraction kits.
While serving the needs of the global biotechnology industry for 18 years, Geneaid has expanded its international distribution network to over 60 countries with more than 100 distributors and continues adding to its long list of esteemed business partnerships around the world.
In Taiwan, some of these partnerships include the CDC (Center for Disease Control), the CIB (Criminal Investigation Bureau), the AVRDC (World Vegetable Center), Academia Sinica and all major university labs. A vital Part of Geneaid’s successful business is the support of their valued customers and partners. Geneaid will continue to maintain the quality of their current CE and ISO 9001:2008 certified products and ensure the same for their new and innovative product lines so that we can all continue to access life through science.