Denovix CellDrop™ Cell Counter

Count Cells Without Slides!

CellDrop Automated Cell Counters feature patented DirectPipette™ Technology to eliminate plastic slides and cumbersome hemocytometers from routine cell counting. CellDrop Cell Counters feature dual fluorescence and brightfield optics, variable height sample chamber, and powerful, easy-to-use analysis software. The instruments enable the fastest cell counts, viability assessment, and GFP transfection efficiency measurements across the widest range of cell density, cell type and application. CellDrop is rated five stars by scientists world-wide and was voted Best New Life Science Product of the Year for 2019!

DirectPipette™ Technology
The CellDrop Automated Cell Counter Series brings the familiar Load, Measure & Wipe Clean functionality of microvolume spectrophotometers to cell counting. Traditional plastic slides or glass hemocytometers are replaced by two permanent optical sapphire surfaces. These are positioned parallel to one another by a calibration-free, high-precision mechanism, forming a chamber of precisely defined height. 10µL of cell suspension is pipetted into the chamber, analyzed and simply wiped away with a dry laboratory wipe. The powerful live-view image allows instant verification that cleaning has been successful.

Count Cells Without Slides™
CellDrop Automated Cell Counters feature patented DirectPipette™ Technology to eliminate plastic slides and cumbersome hemocytometers from routine cell counting. CellDrop Cell Counters feature dual fluorescence and brightfield optics, variable height sample chamber, and powerful, easy-to-use analysis software. The instruments enable the fastest cell counts, viability assessment, and GFP transfection efficiency measurements across the widest range of cell density, cell type and application. CellDrop is rated five stars by scientists world-wide and was voted Best New Life Science Product of the Year for 2019!

DirectPipette™ Technology
The CellDrop Automated Cell Counter Series brings the familiar Load, Measure & Wipe Clean functionality of microvolume spectrophotometers to cell counting. Traditional plastic slides or glass hemocytometers are replaced by two permanent optical sapphire surfaces. These are positioned parallel to one another by a calibration-free, high-precision mechanism, forming a chamber of precisely defined height. 10µL of cell suspension is pipetted into the chamber, analyzed and simply wiped away with a dry laboratory wipe. The powerful live-view image allows instant verification that cleaning has been successful.

Accurate Across the Widest Range of Cell Size and Density
Using conventional counting methods, samples with high or low cell densities require time consuming dilution or concentration steps. The variable height chamber of the CellDrop Automated Cell Counters enables the most accurate counts over the widest cell densities – 7 x 102 – 2.5 x 107. Chamber height can also be adjusted to accommodate almost any cell with a diameter range of 4 to 400µm

Easy-to-Learn, Powerful-to-Use
Designed by life scientists, the CellDrop EasyApps® Software exceeds the functionality of high cost cell counters while also delivering the ease-of-use of simpler systems. EasyApps and the high definition, 7″ touchscreen interface provides intuitive cell counting, from sample loading to data exporting in seconds. Pre-installed applications include a range of common applications for one-touch analysis of assays such as Brightfield, Trypan blue, AO/PI, GFP and Yeast and the ability to create custom methods. CellDrop Cell Counters are a flexible workhorse for the busy, multi-user lab.

Cell Gating:

Cell Size Histograms allow easy gating for non-target cells or cell debris. Simply drag the slider to set the cell size of interest.


High Definition cell outlining and declustering algorithms developed by DeNovix provide high accuracy cell counts of regular and irregular cells even at high density.

Primary Cells:

Viability measurements of PBMCs in the presence of debris and red blood cells. The unique combination of flexible hardware and custom software ensures compatibility with a broad range of cells and assays.


Automatically calculate cells / mL and % viability along with a range of useful cell metrics. Add dilution calculations to your protocols to calculate volumes of cells and buffer required to meet target cell densities.


Hazardous Samples?
The small footprint and onboard processing of the CellDrop Cell Counter allow it to fit inside most flow hoods where required. For applications that require the cells to be contained when reading, all instruments also have the ability to read samples in common disposable plastic slides and reusable slides without the need for additional adaptors.

CellDrop is available in Dual Fluorescence and Brightfield (CellDrop FL) or Brightfield only (CellDrop BF) models, each with the option of Unlimited Counts or Pay-As-You-Go.

Part Number Description

CellDrop FL-UNLTD 2 Channel Fluorescence Cell Counter with Unlimited Counts
CellDrop FL-PAYG 2 Channel Fluorescence Cell Counter- Pay-As-You-Go
CellDrop BF-UNLTD Brightfield Cell Counter with Unlimited Counts
CellDrop BF-PAYG Brightfield Cell Counter- Pay-As-You-Go

US 10,302,568 and 10,598,598
Japan 6579475

For Research Use Only

Name SKU Size Availability Vendor Price Order

CellDrop Cell Counter

CellDrop FL-UNLTD 2 Channel Fluorescence Cell Counter with Unlimited Counts In stock Denovix Log in for pricing

CellDrop Cell Counter

CellDrop FL-UNLTD 2 Channel Fluorescence Cell Counter- Pay-As-You-Go In stock Denovix Log in for pricing

CellDrop Cell Counter

CellDrop FL-UNLTD Brightfield Cell Counter with Unlimited Counts In stock Denovix Log in for pricing

CellDrop Cell Counter

CellDrop FL-UNLTD Brightfield Cell Counter- Pay-As-You-Go In stock Denovix Log in for pricing